miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2007

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2007

martes, 9 de octubre de 2007

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

Vending Machines of Japan

PhotoMann has a large 'collection' of images of unique vending machines found around Japan. Over 50 of them can be seen here. The machines are everywhere. Estimates suggest there are 5.6 million vending machines which works out to be one for every 20 people in Japan. Sales from vending machines in 2000 totaled $56 billion! The most common are drink and cigarette machines followed by machines with pornography. Below is a sampling of the machines to be found.

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Darwin Desbocatti - Jueves 04/10/2007

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UC Berkeley first to post full lectures to YouTube

YouTube is now an important teaching tool at UC Berkeley.

The school announced on Wednesday that it has begun posting entire course lectures on the Web's No.1 video-sharing site.

Berkeley officials claimed in a statement that the university is the first to make full course lectures available on YouTube. The school said that over 300 hours of videotaped courses will be available at youtube.com/ucberkeley.

Berkeley said it will continue to expand the offering. The topics of study found on YouTube included chemistry, physics, biology and even a lecture on search-engine technology given in 2005 by Google cofounder Sergey Brin.

"UC Berkeley on YouTube will provide a public window into university life, academics, events and athletics, which will build on our rich tradition of open educational content for the larger community," said Christina Maslach, UC Berkeley's vice provost for undergraduate education in a statement.

[ Nota original ]
[ Berkley en youtube ]
[ Lecture: SIMS 141 - Search, Google, and Life: Sergey Brin - Google ]

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2007

Optimize Tortoise SVN Cache Disk I/O

I've got a lot of background processes running and killing my disk performance with all the I/O they're doing.  One of the primary offenders is the TortoiseSVN cache that helps put the icon overlays in Explorer.  Several folks I know disabled the cache altogether, but I like the icons.

Rather than disable the cache, you can optimize the paths it looks at so it only actually looks at working copies and not your whole disk.  If you keep all of your working copies in specific known locations, this is a really simple thing to do.  For example, I keep all of my checked out code in one of three places - a "dev" folder I have, the "Visual Studio 2005" folder in "My Documents," and the "Visual Studio Projects" folder in "My Documents."

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Releasing the Source Code for the .NET Framework Libraries...

One of the things my team has been working to enable has been the ability for .NET developers to download and browse the source code of the .NET Framework libraries, and to easily enable debugging support in them.

Today I'm excited to announce that we'll be providing this with the .NET 3.5 and VS 2008 release later this year.

We'll begin by offering the source code (with source file comments included) for the .NET Base Class Libraries (System, System.IO, System.Collections, System.Configuration, System.Threading, System.Net, System.Security, System.Runtime, System.Text, etc), ASP.NET (System.Web), Windows Forms (System.Windows.Forms), ADO.NET (System.Data), XML (System.Xml), and WPF (System.Windows).  We'll then be adding more libraries in the months ahead (including WCF, Workflow, and LINQ).  The source code will be released under the Microsoft Reference License (MS-RL).

You'll be able to download the .NET Framework source libraries via a standalone install (allowing you to use any text editor to browse it locally).  We will also provide integrated debugging support of it within VS 2008.

[leer mas...]

Ubuntu countdown!

Querías ilusión ótika?

Mire. A quién ve?

Ahora levántese de su silla, aléjese 8 pasos del monitor (sí, ocho) y mire de nuevo.

ilusión octica!

Darwin Desbocatti - Miércoles 03/10/2007

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martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Imprima esto antes de instalar el WoW y coloquelo frente al monitor...

Darwin Desbocatti - Martes 02/10/2007

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Abdala a favor de entrada del Movimiento Plancha al Partido Colorado

El diputado por el Foro Batllista dijo a Observa que en el partido "va a haber planchas y conservadores: eso es lo policromático de la política"
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Para cambiar por las pelotitas de goma

Quien no se aburrió de apretar las pelotitas de goma, de hacer guerra con las mismas, hacer bailar las monedas o de jugar a la arrimadita con los discos de msdn que tienen como destino la basura.
Ahora la diversión esta en otro lado! y solo a £14.99.

Dejo también de la misma empresa otros artículos para el disfrute oficinistico, mientras el VS.NET compila :D

Monito Grosssso!